Credit score and its importance in obtaining online loans in the Philippines


With the rise of technology, more and more Filipinos are accessing online loans. A credit score is essential in determining an individual’s creditworthiness and plays a crucial role in obtaining an online loan. It is important for Filipinos to understand the importance of their credit score and how it affects their ability to obtain an online loan in the Philippines. This article will discuss the importance of credit score and the impact it has on obtaining an online loan in the Philippines.

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Overview of Credit Score and its importance

A credit score is a numerical representation of an individual’s credit-worthiness. It is a snapshot of a person’s credit history, including their ability to manage credit responsibly and pay bills on time. It is calculated using data from the three major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. The higher a person’s credit score, the more likely it is for them to qualify for loans, favorable terms, and lower rates.

Importance of Credit Score

Credit scores play an important role in an individual’s financial life. A good credit score helps to open financial opportunities, including better access to credit and lower interest rates. It is also used by landlords to evaluate applicants for rental agreements. Employers may also consider credit scores when making hiring decisions.

A credit score is a tool lenders utilize to determine a borrower’s creditworthiness. The higher the score, the more favorable the terms and rates that are offered. It is important to maintain a good credit score, as this will enable you to borrow money at reasonable rates and terms. Having a low credit score may result in higher rates and less attractive terms when applying for a loan or credit card.

Additionally, it is important to maintain a good credit score because it is used to evaluate your eligibility for mortgages, car loans, and other large purchases. Credit scores also factor into decisions made by insurers, landlords, and employers when reviewing applications. Even though credit scores have become increasingly important over time, it should be noted that an individual’s overall financial picture should be considered. Ultimately, having a good credit score is an important part of establishing financial health and achieving long-term financial goals.

Types of Credit Scores in the Philippines

The Philippines has three types of credit scores, which all serve to evaluate the creditworthiness and credit risk of individuals. These credit scores are the BIR Score, the Credit Information Corporation (CIC) Score, and the Credit Rating Board (CRB) Score.

The BIR Score is a three-digit score given by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). It is based on an individual’s tax compliance, including the filing of income tax returns and payment of taxes due. Generally, individuals with higher BIR Scores will have lower credit risks.

The CIC Score is a three-digit score given by the Credit Information Corporation (CIC). It is based on an individual’s credit history and financial behavior. This score provides a comprehensive picture of an individual’s overall financial health and creditworthiness. Generally, individuals with higher CIC Scores will have lower credit risks.

Finally, the CRB Score is a three-digit score given by the Credit Rating Board (CRB). It is based on an individual’s financial creditworthiness and performance, including loan repayment records and credit utilization. Generally, individuals with higher CRB Scores will have lower credit risks.

All three types of credit scores play a vital role in assessing the creditworthiness of individuals in the Philippines. Credit lenders use these scores to evaluate the creditworthiness and credit risk of individuals who are seeking loans or credit cards. A higher credit score generally indicates a lower level of risk and suggests that the individual is more likely to make prompt loan payments and to pay in full.

Benefits of having a good Credit Score in the Philippines

Having a good credit score in the Philippines are incredibly beneficial for anyone that has one. Good credit scores help prove to lenders and credit providers that you are a responsible individual and capable of paying back loaned money on time. Additionally, a good credit score gives you access to better financial deals and lower interest rates so you can save money while making purchases.

Credit scores generally range from 300 to 900, with higher scores representing a stronger credit report. The higher your score is, the better terms, interest rate, and repayment terms you will be able to secure when applying for a loan or credit card.

A good credit score in the Philippines also helps you save money since lenders often require that you have a good credit score in order to qualify for more valuable benefits and financing options. This makes it easier to get approved for credit cards and loans while also receiving lower interest rates on those products.

Finally, good credit scores can also help you improve your financial security and establish a good credit history. Establishing a good credit history can help you achieve long-term financial goals, including owning a home, obtaining a business loan and building a profitable business.

Requirements for Obtaining Online Loans in the Philippines

Online loans in the Philippines can be used for a variety of purposes, such as to purchase items, cover daily expenses, or supplement monthly income. To obtain an online loan in the Philippines, borrowers must meet certain requirements.

First, applicants must be Filipino citizens and must be at least 18 years old. All applicants must also have either a valid government-issued or TIN ID or a valid passport. It is also required that applicants submit the latest three (3) months of bank statements, a valid contact number, and a valid social media account.

To further assess the risk associated with the loan, applicants are generally required to show proof of income or employment. This may take the form of a payslip or income tax return. In some cases, other forms of information such as credit history and age of residence may also be required when applying for a loan.

Finally, online loan providers may also require borrowers to make an initial deposit or collateral as a way to secure repayment of the loan. This may include items such as title deeds, jewelry, cars, motorbikes, and so on.

By meeting the necessary requirements and providing the necessary documents, applicants can get access to the loan they need to fund their individual and business goals.

Factors that Affect Credit Score in the Philippines

A credit score is an important factor used by lenders to determine the creditworthiness of potential borrowers – and in the Philippines, creditworthiness is assessed using what’s known as the Credit Information Corporation (CIC) score. The CIC score uses a range from 300 to 900, with a higher score indicating better creditworthiness. A good credit score typically falls in the range of 700 to 850.

In the Philippines, there are several key factors that affect a person’s credit score. These include:

  • Payment History: The payment history includes whether the borrower makes their payments on time, how much of the balance is paid off, and how often payments are made. A perfect payment history (meaning no missed payments and all payments made on time) results in a higher credit score.
  • Credit Utilization: This is the ratio of credit card debt to the borrower’s total available credit limits. So, if a borrower has a total credit limit of PHP50,000 and they use PHP10,000 of it, then their credit utilization ratio would be 20% (or PHP10,000 divided by PHP50,000). A lower credit utilization ratio gets rewarded with a higher credit score.
  • Length of Credit History: This is the length of time a borrower has had credit. Typically, a longer credit history will result in a higher credit score as lenders see this as evidence that the borrower is more financially responsible.
  • Hard Inquiries: Every time a borrower applies for and takes on a new loan or credit card, this is considered a hard inquiry against their credit and will result in a decrease in the borrower’s credit score. Too many hard inquiries in a short period of time will cause the credit score to fall significantly.
  • Credit Mix: This is the use of different types of credit products like credit cards, mortgages, or vehicle loans. Using a mix of these products can be beneficial for the credit score and show lenders that the borrower is able to manage different types of debt responsibly.

By understanding how different factors affect the CIC score, borrowers in the Philippines can take the necessary steps to ensure that their credit score remains healthy.

Strategies for Improving Credit Score in the Philippines

  1. Make payments on time: Making payments on time is the most important factor that affects your credit score. Late payments can have a negative effect on your score, so it is extremely important to make all payments on time.
  2. Keep accounts open: Closing unused accounts can have a negative effect on your score, so it’s better to keep your accounts open. Even if you are not using the account, it will help to maintain a good credit history and improve your credit score.
  3. Monitor your credit report: It is important to regularly monitor your credit report and make sure that all the information provided is accurate and up to date. If you find any mistakes or inaccurate information, you should immediately notify the credit bureaus and request them to correct the information.
  4. Limit the number of applications: Applying for too many credit cards or loans can have a negative effect on your credit score. Try to limit the number of applications that you make and make sure you only apply for credit cards and loans that you need.
  5. Avoid maxing out your credit lines: Your credit score can also be negatively affected if you have used up all of your available credit lines. It is important to manage your credit lines and avoid maxing them out.
  6. Pay off your debts: Having a large amount of debt can have a negative effect on your credit score. It is important to pay off your debts regularly and reduce the amount of debt you have.
  7. Maintain a good credit history: Having a good credit history is another important factor that can help to improve your credit score. Make sure that you keep track of payments you have made and make sure that your credit report is accurate.


Credit scores play an important role in the process of obtaining online loans in the Philippines. It is important for borrowers to understand their credit scores and the factors that affect it in order to make informed decisions when applying for online loans. A good credit score can open up a variety of opportunities that can help individuals meet their financial needs.

On the other hand, a poor credit score can lead to difficulty in obtaining financing. Therefore, it is important to keep track of one’s credit score and to work towards improving it if necessary.

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